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Our Projects

In partnership with churches committed to the expansion of the gospel, together we go from village to village 'fishing the fishermen' and we see the church being born on the islands and rivers of Brazil. Cooperate, too.
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Our Projects


Through partnerships and voluntary teams we bring health care to the villages, equipped with boat clinics and medical appliances at our bases to service the community - at no cost to them.


We rebuild the homes of people who find themselves living in precarious conditions and need an adequate space to sleep, eat, be with each other and store their belongings.

We also work in the planning of missionary bases and community/social centres that'll serve as the seat of our activities.


With the community's help, we identify local natural resources and cooperate with the infrastructure for the processing of fish, coconut and açaí fruits, community gardens, poultry farming and teaching crafts to generate extra household income.

Immediate Relief

Jesus preached, fed, and healed. We understand His teachings and, in an emergency, we service hundreds of families in need in the islands and rivers of Brazil.

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How You Can Contribute


Artisan Fishermen and Riverside Folk transformed by the Gospel of Christ.


Making possible the planting of churches and projects for community development, for the glory of God. 

Church Planting

In partnership with churches committed to the expansion of the gospel, together we go from village to village witnessing church planting on the islands and rivers of Brazil.


Sport activities have the goal of providing healthy coexistence in an environment suited for physical development, keeping young people away from drugs and expanding opportunities to minister the Word of God.


In order to assist children and teenagers in school and significantly decrease local drop-out rates, we reinforce their education in any course difficulties they encounter, providing also nutrition and a safe space for playing and practicing sports.

Your Contribution

Through individual donations and the aid of our partners, EMAF has been able to establish development projects along 8,000 Km/4,970 miles of the Brazilian coast.


We can guide you on how to fund our work. We'll keep you informed of every project achievement.


Church teams, seminaries, health professionals are all welcome to be a part of God's work in Brazil.

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