Our Locations
EMAF maintains strategic bases close to fishing communities in many regions of coastal Brazil and in the Amazon. The people we work with are seeing their homes transformed little by little, and learning the word of God through our actions.

With the help of our partners and individual donors, we maintain development projects in:
In addition to these, EMAF is present through partnerships, in two other states:
In each of these places activities such as church planting and community development unfold with the cooperation of these fishermen and their families, people who live in remote and hard to reach locations.
São Paulo
Know Our Area Directors

Area Director: Custódio Almeida
Total Missionaries: 10
Total Projects:12
Address: Avenida Professora Cora de Carvalho, 728 - Macapá/AC
Phone: +55 (96) 3217-2222
Email: meapappa@meap.org.br
After years of prayer, persistent planning and concrete actions in this objective, in January 2006 EMAF began its activities in Amapá.
By the end of the Twentieth Century, EMAF had extended from Southern Brazil towards Maranhão, in the Northeast. Close to it there was only one more region to reach, and meet the initial target of covering roughly 8,000Km of Brazilian coast - the state of Amapá.
The good Lord designated Pastor Custódio and his family, together with other missionaries, to reach the riverside communities of this region.
He blessed EMAF's Amapá/Pará division and other sent by Him to form the Administrative Council.
This ministry works in the missionary expansion in the communities of the Bailique / AP archipelago, based in Vila Progresso, and the Marajó / PA archipelago, based in Afuá.
Projects in Effect: Church planting, Sailing, Health & Life; Sweet Home; Champions for Life; Sustainability: shrimp, moringa, açaí and poultry; As well as construction projects.

Expansion Director: Pr. Oscar Oliveira
Total Missionaries: 08
Total Projects:02
Address: Praça Cel. Labre, 2027 – Centro – Lábrea/AM – Zip Code 69830-000
Phone: (55) (97) 98104-2180
Email: meapam@meap.org.br
Our New challenge is there in the middle of the amazonic forest.
The Juruá River cuts the Amazon state from north to south and, only in the Amazon, there are more than 795 communities, among which, only 98 count on the very low presence of the Gospel. There are 697 communities without the Gospel of Jesus.
In the face of this new challenge EMAF responds as the Prophet Jermiah answered the Lord when he was called: "Who will I send? Who will go for us?" "Here we are! Send us!"
Once more EMAF is ready, in the face of this reality, to initiate projects and we are going and obeying, believing that, as God has plans for the fishing and riverside folk of the Purus River, God also has plans and desires that along the Juruá River "all should be saved and come to the complete knowledge of the Truth."
To meet the Go of Jesus we are going and we invite you to involve yourselves in this mission and adventure of taking the Gospel and reach these isolated communities in the middle of the Amazon forest.

MEAP Purus
Diretor de Área: Daniel Simon
Total de missionários:
Rua Dr. João Fábio, 1744/2 - Centro
Lábrea/AM - CEP 69830-000
Telefone: (97) 98402-6739
E-mail: meapam@meap.org.br
One of the last mission frontiers of Brazil is the interior of the Amazon.
EMAF is in search of the riverside people, along the least evangelized river of the state. The channel of the Purus River shelters more than 1300 traditional riverside communities, and a very small number has been reached with the gospel, and more than 1220 communities still do not know the saving grace of Christ.
As a first step to evangelize the Purus, the missionaries are working on planting churches, in strategic communities, training disciples to evangelize the neighbors around them, reaching, in this way, 141 villages in the Mid Purus.
Facing the challenges and dangers of the region, trusting in the Grace and protection of the Lord, the teams go in their boats from Lábrea, Pauini and Canutama along the white waters of the Purus to serve the Water of Life to the thirsty for salvation riverside folk.

Area Director: Glauber Fortes
Total Missionaries: 10
Total Projects: 07
Address: Rua Joaquim Frota Aguiar, 1455 – Dirceu – Parnaíba – PI – Zip Code: 64210-220
Phone: (55) (86) 99984-3409
Email: meappi@meap.org.br
EMAF arrived in the Delta of Parnaíba in 2001 for the evangelization of communities and people living on the canals of the Parnaíba-Tutóia region.
The beginning of the ministry was marked by persecution. Our missionaries came to suffer death threats to give up preaching the Kingdom of God.
Seeing the fruits granted by the Lord, we praise His Name for His Deeds. In addition to churches planted in the Canaries, Caiçara, Torto and Morro do Meio, God has raised native missionaries to expand the ministry.
Projects: Church Planting, My Little Fish, Digital Inclusion, Drilling of Wells, Coconut Processing and Handicraft.

São Paulo
Area Director: Evaldo Almeida
Total Missionaries: 02
Total Projects: 04
Address: Rua Otília Cardoso de Morais, 221 – Ariri – Cananéia – SP – Zip Code: 1190-000
Phone: (55) (13) 3383-3784
Email: meapsp@meap.org.br
The gospel was first announced by the James and Carmen Orr couple in the early 70's in the Cananéia region, south of the coast of São Paulo.
From 1982, the artisanal fishermen communities of Iguape to Paranaguá, about 66, began to be visited, periodically, by Márcio and Jaime.
In 1984, Márcio and Damaris, recently married, settled in Pedrinhas where they cooperated with the plantation of the first church that was born in the ministry of EMAF. In the same period the church was born in Ariri.
Currently, the two churches have their own leadership and are responsible for the evangelization of the communities in their environments, with the support of EMAF.
Wheat Mount - North CoastA beautiful story is that of the church planting on this island, located on the north coast of the state of SP. Márcio and Jaime ministered there in 1985, for the first time, and the young leader of the community was converted at that time. Several other evangelistic and discipleship visits were made and today there is a church on the island, planted and led by Valentine, that first convert.
Projects: Church Planting, Digital Inclusion, Craques for Life, Bempescado (in formation).
Leader: Pr. Abraão da Silva
Metropolitan Baptist Church of Salvador
Organization: Mission Fishermen

The Bahia coast is the largest in Brazil and the work of evangelization has always been of great proportions. The challenges could be scary, not because God is the Lord of the Work.
We praise the Father for the fruitful ministry in this region. Twenty-five years later, the islands praise His Name. Churches are contagious. The Light of Jesus shines on the coast of Bahia.
Now, God puts before us ten thousand unreached riverside communities in the 'Amazon Window', but at the same time, awakens a church in Salvador / BA that is gradually assuming the direction of the ministry in the Bahia islands.
With the Bahia fishermen being cared for, we can move forward, turning our efforts and resources to the evangelization of the riverside of the Amazon.
EMAF continues the ministry in Bahia, in partnership with the Mission Pescadores. Every physical structure and all that has been achieved so far, by Grace, we place at the disposal of servants committed to God and His Kingdom who will continue in the attempt to make Christ known among the fishermen os Bahia.

Leader: Pr. Francisco Almeida
Community Evangelical of Curitiba
Organization: Maanaim School of Missions
The EMAF began the evangelization of the artisanal fishermen of the coast of Paraná in the 80's. A people until then, without the knowledge of the Gospel of Grace was reached.
Missionaries and volunteer teams dedicated their lives so that these beloved people of God could be evangelized and cared for. Fruit, churches and indigenous leaders emerged.
In 2009 EMAF signed a partnership with the CEC - Evangelical Community of Curitiba - that in recent years has continued the missionary work and worked with zeal in the expansion of the Kingdom of God among the fishermen from Paraná.