“I Am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing.” John 15.5
It is in the perspective of the ‘branch remaining in the vine’, that we share what God has done, by His Grace, in the mission work among the fishermen and riverside folk. Everything that is good, and fruit, come from Him.
The five bases localized, strategically, in Purus, are the starting point to reach the dozens of Riverside communities, and eternal fruit is added. Like ‘Grande’, an inhabitant of Vila Dedé, father of seven children, who recently lost his wife during the birth of their last baby. Missionary, Lóide, shared the Gospel, ‘from Riverside folk to Riverside folk’, speaking about the Love of God and how to reach Him at all times, including when it’s most difficult. ‘Grande” gave his life to Chrsit. God changed his heart and he is firm in the ways of the Lord.
What joy to see new churches being born along the Bailique cluster: Marinheiro de Fora, Freguesia and Igarapé Carneiro. In the three communities we already have a residence and boats, which is an important conquest. “He who began a good work in you, is faithful to complete it,” and we are just His workers, honoured to be involved in this marvellous plan of salvation. We are involved in installing the solar energy plates at Vila Progresso. We were there for fifteen days without light which impedes the conservation of food, makes fresh water unavailable, and causes a lot of discomfort, principally for the children who take part in the aciivities at Sweet Home (school complement)
The church at Ilha Santa Bárbara continues to grow. In August another six new converts were baptized. These testimonies of transformation lead others to want to know Jesus. An example of this is Edrvan who believed and gave his life to Christ, completely changing his life, when the Gospel began to be established on the island. He can’t read or write, but with a little sound box or with a cell phone he listens to the Bible on audio, and plays praises and Bible studies for the people of the island to hear. He is a living instrument in the hands of God, sharing the Good News of Christ.
The newest church born on Ilha Grande dos Paulinos,is involved in the construction of a place for the meetings, that will also, next year, house the My Little Fish project. Two native missionaries dedicated their lives to this ministry. The leader of the island., his wife and mother were baptized and we believe in the growth of the church on the island. Most of the missionaries in this region are natives,reached by the Gospel when EMAF arrived in the region, and today dedicate their lives to evangelizing the people.
Around 200 persons have worked in teams of volunteers in Ariri and region, this first semestre. Precious brothers who cooperate in evanglizing and diverse actions in the Community of Ariri, Ilha do Cardoso and Barra do Ararapira. The church goes forward overcoming challenges, with native leadership, and awaits the partnership with a ‘sister church’ that will cooperate in strengthening, and in the growth of, the group in that area. There are still many people who need the transformation. Mr. Atanus is a simple man, a public worker, who in his free time, goes fishing and mends nets. His wife was the first person to be baptized by the EMAF ministry at Ariri, and for twenty years has prayed for his conversion. The story began to change when the church at Ariri began holding Bible studies in his house. The Gospel transformed his life. He decided to give up cold religiosity and follow Jesus. Now he takes part in the church and shows great joy in serving and being a part of the Family of God.