I am Flávia Baldasso, I am 35 years old, married and the mother of a ‘mini missionary’ Cauê. I love making things happen, showing the love of God and helping my neighbour. In my youth I already had the dream of going out into the world and doing missions. This dream began and became a reality in 2010, when I was still single. Since then I have not stopped. Today my companions are my husband and my little son.
In August/2019 I had the honour of knowing EMAF, and to travel to Ariri and Barra de Ararapira, the place I fell in love with. Two days were too little and I wanted to return soon.
At night I returned to my home in Campinas, and I couldn’t sleep. God spoke to me the whole night and placed before me a beautiful Project, well planned, for me to return to Ariri and celebratee Children’s Day, as well as Cauêzinho’s 4th birthday. It was a blessing and God took care of every detail. People offered to go, to help, to give, to intercede, contribute and pray. The word that defines this experience is GRATITUDE!
"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due". Proverbs 3.27