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God has done great things revealing His love

On the Other Side... Maranhão

God has done great things revealing His love through care and salvation.

This month, a team of seven trainees from the Seminário Cristão Evangélico do Norte (North Christian Evangelical Seminary) from São Luís/MA, is working on Ilha Santa Bárbara.

The work has been done through Vacation Bible School, evangelistic visits and meetings in the homes, and in the temple. Families have been deeply touched with the Word, homes that once were closed, now are asking for our presence. At VBS, 10 children and 2 adolescents gave their lives to Christ; this week we will intensify our visits to their homes.

Prayer requests:

• For the strengthening of the faith of the children and adolescentes.

•That the adults will have the courage to assume, publickly, their faith in Christ.

• For the missionary families that live on ilha: Raí/Claudia | Jurandir/Zilma.

• For the physical, emotional and spiritual support of our family in the face of these challenges on the field.

Only through His Grace, Your fellows in ministry, on the mission field,

Claudionor & Shisley Costa - EMAF MA Missionaries

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