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Grace upon Grace


I am Graciane, I am 18 years old, I am the daughter of a fisherman, from Marinheiro de Fora, where I have lived until today. There never was the presence of missionaries there, or a church (even a Catholic one), and I grew up not heaaring about Jesus, if you can believe that! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

So, when I went to school at the Vila Progresso Community, I met the EMAF missionareis. Weekly they go to the school, and go from classroom to classroom teaching about God. It was at this time that I heard the Gospel for the first time. A friend at school, who went to church, invited me to go to one of the meetings. I accepted the invitation, more through curiosity to see what it was all about. On that day, while I heard the messge being preached, I felt like crying because it was as though someone was hugging me very tightly.

And I, thinking I was a person without value, without expectations, without dreams, opened my heart to God, I was reached by His Grace and submitted my heart to His love. I was hugged and drawn close by the Lord, and I have walked with the Lord Jesus for eight months. ⠀⠀


Now, by the Grace of God, the missionaries are working on planting a church at Marinheiro de Fora, and I have assisted this ministry. Having been born, and grown up, in the Community, I want to be a special instrument of the Lord in the evangelization of my people.

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