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Mission News from Brazil

Foto do escritor: EMAFEMAF

“... lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest”. John 4.35 We are very happy and grateful to the Lord for all He has done in Maranhão.

Region of Turiaçu On the Island of Sta. Bárbara, we received missionary Everton who came from Mesquita/RJ to join the couple, Esdras and Gaby, who have done a wonderful work planting a church, discipling new believers and training local leadership. We also initiated visits to two other communities with the vision of planting churches, together with the church on Ilha Santa Bárbara. A team of 22 brothers from the Monte Castelo Baptist Church, pastored by Pr. Ozeas Ewerton, on September 7th holiday, worked together with the church on the island, training and teaching. The construction of the temple, the Christian Social Center, and the amplifying of the mission houses, continue according to God’s timing and for His Glory! In September we received a team of voluntary carpinters from the towns of Viana and Santa Helena, who offered their services in the work of building a roof over the CSC.

Region of Lençóis In Barreirinhas, Matias and Evelyn are carrying out a lovely ministry. They have already adapted well to the region, visiting homes across the flooded fields and are disicipling new converts, focusing on the planting of a church in Santo Inácio, Atins and Ponta do Mangue. They initiated the Love Clef Project, music lessons with the recorder, reaching children and adolescents, in three communities.

We were not able to find a house for the family to live among the people, so we rented a house in the city, but we plan to build a house in Santo Inácio, where we already have a piece of land. This will permit greater development of the ministry among these people along the Rio Preguiças (Lazy River) and along the Northern Coast of Maranhão. Batista, in Residencial Brasil, from Barreirinhas, has cooperated with our missionaries and recently served together with a team of doctors and dentists in the Casa de Apoio às Crianças e Adolescentes (House of Support to Children and Adolescents) at Comunidade Santo Inácio, and evangelizing the villages in the area.

São Luís Base Ricardo and Bárbara are being greatly used by the Lord to support Pr. Reinaldo, director of the área, in the operational part of maintenance of vehicles, coordinating building and volunteer teams. Rafael and Paula also work with the team, giving support in management and mobilization of resources for the projects, in recruting and interviewing work candidates, training missionaries on-line, and ocasional visits to the field. Prayer Requests: • More missionaries, couples and young singles to live in the communities. • Financial resources and voluntary manpower for the conclusion of the mission home, temple, Christian Social Centre and Well of Hope, on Ilha Santa Bárbara. • Resources for the construction of a mission home in Santo Inácio. • Resources for the purchase of petrol. And maintenance of the boats and cars of the mission. • Resources for the purchase of a quadricycle witha trailer for the barreirinhas Bases which is extremely necessary at the moment.

We praise God for your involvement in the expansion of the Kingdom of God among the fishermen and riverside folk. Be it on land, sand and “much sand”, or water, the Lord will be glorified in these places that are so needy of the love of Christ, where there is little, or no presence of the Gospel.

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