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Mission News from Brazil

We know that all things are under the LORD’s control, and we rejoice in this, even in difficult situations, believing that He loves us and is always present. Thus, we are sharing this Love taking His Word, planting the seeds of faith, love and salvation. Our missionary team has grown. Now there are two missionary families in Arirí, working together with the leadership of the local church. We praise the Lord for answering our prayers.

We minister to the children, on Saturdays and Sundays, during the children’s meeting, using the book EMAF KIDS, bringing vision and involvement with missions, encouraging them to serve Jesus and share this love. We are initiating the Project ‘Vem que Tem’ (Come and Share), to reach more young people at Ariri, with Weekly Bible Study groups, games and meeting place.

The women, weekly, meet to pray and share the Word, helping one another, encouraging each other, and the church. God has placed each one to intercede and volunteer in the Work. The men, every Tuesday, are studying the life of King David to learn how to lead their home, their family and their ministries, with exellence, in the light of the Word.

Since the pandemic restrictions, we have now returned to visit the islands, accompanying people closely. We have helped those who need food and health assistance, with the cooperation of volunteers.

We are working on finishing the building of the new temple. The challenges are great, because of the rain and other problems, but we should terminate it soon with God’s blessing.

We are focusing on three challenges and ask you, please, to intercede with us:

• Termination of the construction. We pray for resources to finish the new temple.

• Discipling the new converts, and baptism. We pray for wisdom and perseverance for the leaders and missionary families.

• Continuation of evangelism, reaching all the communities around Ariri. We pray for conversions and spiritual growth of the new converts.

• Immediate help for the needy, in the areas of health and food. We pray for more volunteers to give necessary assistance to the natives.

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