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People coming to know Jesus Christ as personal Saviour

Foto do escritor: EMAFEMAF


We came to know EMAF through a German friend and we contacted the EMAF Amazon leader to find out more about this ministry. We were helped by him as we planned a voyage. He provided everything so that we would know various communities that EMAF has reached, along the Purus River, taking care of us during our visit.

When we arrived at the EMAF base at Lábrea, we needed to take a bath and wash the dirt off from the famous Transamazon highway. Driving along the highway is an adventure that becomes quite radical when the rain transforms the mud highway into dangerous terrain for cars, easily losing control. But it is worth it! Along the highway we could see the vast creation of God, the beauiful birds and other forest animals.

The EMAF base is a “floating house”, with bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms and space to hang hammocks, where we could relax and sleep before continuing the mission journey along the Purus River. At Lábrea, you cannot miss going up to the top to see the sunset and praise God for His glory!!

We appreciate the time we spent with the missionaries. It was encouraging to hear about their experiences, see that God uses lives and opens homes with the purpose of evangelizing and discipling. It is impressive to see how God has blessed the approach centered on the Gospel, that the heart of missions isn’t about social trasnformtion but about people knowing Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, and, from there, communities are transformed, one step at a time, with the help of local Christians and EMAF.

We visited communities of the native tribe Paumari and Riverside folk. The Paumari were very friendly, and opened their homes to receive us. We played soccer, had lunch and enjoyed time together in the villages. And later, we received a native name, a symbolic gesture receving someone as member of the Community. Then the Riverside folk taught us to survive in nature, and to find the joy that the creation of God has to offer us. We developed various activities, telling Bible stories, games with the children and youth and adults. It was good to share the daily activities with the folk and encourage each one to think about who Jesus Chrsit is, and what He wants for us.

We were very happy to know EMAF’s work along the Purus river, and we will be praying for this ministry along with Philippians 4.19-20: "My God will provide all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be all the glory now and forever. Amen”.

Lukas and Jennifer October/2019

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