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The planting of churches, and development of projects

Foto do escritor: EMAFEMAF

We have the mission to make viable the planting of churches, and development of projects, in the communities, for the glory of God, so that the fishermen and riverside folk are transformed by the Gospel of Christ. In this way, depending on the Lord, we go forward announcing the Kingdom of God.

We adore God for His works, and for the privilege of being a part of this amazing story.


In September the Church in Marinheiro de Fora was inaugurated, and the mission front in Igarapé do Carneiro, in the cluster of Bailique/AP. In October, in the cluster of Marajó/PA, at Afuá, we will hold a week of leadership training, have a day giving gynocological assistance, and receiving a team from the Chinese Baptist Church, from São Paulo, for orthopedic assistance, during seven days.


We have done the first stage of the field research, to know the Rio Juruá. We travelled with the Missão do Céu e Projeto Fronteiras (Mission of Heaven and Frontier Project) to look over the area in order to initiate the work, and strategic planning, for the installation of the first EMAF base on the Rio Juruá. We have planned another two journeys for this year, and a trip by boat, village by village, during the first semestre of 2020, to survey the demographic, social, population and cultural needs.


On Ilha Grande dos Paulinos, with 120 inhabitants, we terminated the first stage of the construction of a place for meetings that will also serve the My Little Fish Project, that we hope to initiate there next year, About 35 people have taken part in the meetings. Recently there was the baptism of a woman of 82 years of age, the oldest inhabitant of the island. Glory to God!


The strategy for the establishment and strengthening of the church on ilha Santa Bárbara, with 350 inhabitants, the only place with electricty in the region and, from it, reaching other communities, is being blessed by God with eternal fruit. Around 40 persons have taken part in the meetings and 15 were baptized. We await more missionaries to join us. There are 55 villages to reach. Presently, there are two missionary families working at EMAF Maranhão.


This year we have received 17 voluntary teams. They are precious brothers who serve using their gifts and abilities for the strengthening of the Gospel in the extreme south of State of São Paulo. We had the joy of receiving a group of international volunteers, members of the crew of the OM ship Logos Hope, for a week at Ariri, during the ship’s stay at the port of Santos.

Why don’t you also form a team to work on the field, together with the missionaries. Contact us and mark a date.

These actions reflect the work of each brother who intercedes, contributes financially, joins teams of volunteers, or who in some other way, cooperates for the expansion of the Kingdom across the Brazilian Waters. Thank you so much for your commitment. Please receive our recognition and, most of all, the blessings of the Lord who makes everything perfect in His time.

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